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2010-01-06(Wed) ログが爆発 [長年日記]


2006年5月20日の日記で書いてから、CPUをPentiumD 940にして解決したと思っていたけど、ふと気がつくとkern.logとsyslogに

CPU0: Temperature above threshold, cpu clock throttled (total events = 15789)

CPU0: Temperature/speed normal


I wrote a file /etc/rsyslog.d/10-temperature.conf with the following content:

:msg,contains,"Temperature/speed normal" ~

:msg,contains,"Temperature above threshold" ~

All messages containing "Temperature/speed normal" and "Temperature above threshold" are discarded.

I restarted rsyslog and it looks like the problem is solved.

I hope this will help until the problem will be fixed in the kernel.Ubuntu Bug #453444 /var/log fills up with "all normal" messages @ about 575/sec fill up the available space




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