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2008-06-04(Wed) dcc-clientパッケージは無くなる [長年日記]
■ [Debian]dcc-clientパッケージは無くなる
Note that the package(s) have simply been removed from the tag
database and may (or may not) still be in the pool; this is not a bug.
The package(s) will be physically removed automatically when no suite
references them (and in the case of source, when no binary references
[[2008-02-07] Removed 1.3.42-5 from unstable (Joerg Jaspert)より引用]
これでdccprocコマンドが無くなるので、spamassassinでのDCCはspamassasin DCC pluginをenableにしても、plugin内部でdisableになるので、/etc/spamassassin/v310.preを元に戻した。