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2005-12-29(Thu) [長年日記]

[Debian] backports.orgもsargeへ移行

Package Backports for Sarge. Norbert Tretkowski announced that backports.org eventually supports the current stable Debian release code-named sarge. Debian developers can upload their backported packages into the archive. Norbert also provided some notes on using backports.org for end users and developers.

[Debian Weekly News - December 27th, 2005より引用]


Fri, 16 Dec 2005 16:40:00 CEST

It s done, backports.org switched to sarge. Thanks to Joerg Jaspert, dak is up and running, and Debian developers can upload their own backports. Please see the details for developers I wrote to our mailinglist. If you just want to use some packages, take a look at the instructions for users from the website. There are still some parts missing, e.g. the website needs some updates, we need a wanna-build, buildds and new mirrors. I hope we ll find time for those next weekend. There s also an IRC channel for interested developers/users on OFTC called #debian-backports. The old archive with woody backports is still available, but no longer supported.

Update: If you are currently running a mirror, please wait for a blog entry from Joerg on Planet Debian, we are switching to push mirroring next weekend.

[Debian Backportsより引用]



Add this line

deb http://www.backports.org/debian/ sarge-backports main

to your /etc/apt/sources.list, and these lines

Package: *

Pin: release a=sarge-backports

Pin-Priority: 200

to your /etc/apt/preferences.

[Debian Backports - Instructionsより引用]



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