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2023-06-03(Sat) [長年日記]




5月 30 12:05:54 on-o.com sm-mta[1699926]: 34U35qGY1699926: milter=greylist, action=data, continue

5月 30 12:05:54 on-o.com sm-mta[1699926]: 34U35qGY1699926: milter=greylist, action=eoh, continue

5月 30 12:05:54 on-o.com sm-mta[1699926]: 34U35qGY1699926: milter=greylist, action=header, continue


2023-05-28T00:02:28.983494+09:00 on-o.com sm-mta[2451659]: 34RF2S4v2451659: milter=greylist, action=connect, continue

2023-05-28T00:02:29.008603+09:00 on-o.com sm-mta[2451659]: 34RF2S4v2451659: milter=greylist, action=helo, continue



$ journalctl |grep milter=greylist|head

5月 29 21:40:30 on-o.com sm-mta[4067371]: 34TCeUN04067371: milter=greylist, action=connect, continue

5月 29 21:40:31 on-o.com sm-mta[4067371]: 34TCeUN04067371: milter=greylist, action=helo, continue


--- /etc/cron.d/logcheck.org 2010-01-03 15:18:23.000000000 +0900

+++ /etc/cron.d/logcheck 2023-06-03 06:04:02.863906271 +0900

@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@




@reboot logcheck if [ -x /usr/sbin/logcheck ]; then nice -n10 /usr/sbin/logcheck -R; fi

2 12 * * * logcheck if [ -x /usr/sbin/logcheck ]; then nice -n10 /usr/sbin/logcheck; fi


In English: logcheck email is too large

Today's lesson: "journalctl returns a date that matches the locale"

Recently, logcheck emails have become too large. Upon reviewing the content, it appears as follows:

Since the time is in Japanese, it may have slipped through the filters and the cause may be due to bad locale settings. However, changing the system locale is a hassle. Upon investigation, it was found that rsyslog's locale was ja_JP because the system locale was set to LANG=ja_JP.UTF-8, causing the date on the logs to be in Japanese, but upon checking /var/log/mail.log, the time was correct.

Although I searched with grep to find parts that were in Japanese, I couldn't find any.

In the meantime, it was noticed that logcheck was obtaining logs with jorunalctl. The following is the log:

$ journalctl |grep milter=greylist|head

5月 29 21:40:30 on-o.com sm-mta[4067371]: 34TCeUN04067371: milter=greylist, action=connect, continue

5月 29 21:40:31 on-o.com sm-mta[4067371]: 34TCeUN04067371: milter=greylist, action=helo, continue

This was the cause of the problem.

As a countermeasure, LANG=C was added to logcheck launched by cron, and the situation will be monitored.


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