タグ: guacamole + vnc (3)

ソート基準 日付 / 題名 / URL

  1. You can perform the same setting without the graphical gconf-editor using the following command (e.g. via SSH)
    2017-08-18 to , , by takuya
  2. Ctrl+Alt+Shiftでメニューが出る On a desktop or other device which has a hardware keyboard, you can show this menu by pressing Ctrl+Alt+Shift.
    2017-05-15 to , by takuya
  3. げGuacamoleがDoS攻撃と誤解されてevasiveに、はじかれる if you add mod-evasive as a hint for possible connection problems.
    2013-07-25 to , by takuya

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