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We recently went live to discuss the
news of our Series D funding
and what the future holds for GitLab. You can watch GitLab's Head of Product,
Mark Pundsack, present our vision with some previews of what's in the works
We are super excited to deliver new features with 11.2 that will help you
get started and iterate faster. Today we deliver enhancements to the Web IDE,
support for manifest files to import Android projects, and enable custom
project templates.
Preview ch
It has been a crazy 24 hours for GitLab. More than 2,000 people tweeted about #movingtogitlab. We imported over 100,000 repositories, and we've seen a 7x increase in orders. We went live on Bloomberg TV. And on top of that, Apple announced an Xcode integr
The GitLab + Google Kubernetes Engine integration's versatility speeds up software development and delivery while maintaining security and scale, allowing developers to focus on building apps instead of managing infrastructure. William Chia, Senior Produc
Though I’ve lived in California half of my life, my English is still marked by an Asian accent -- the lack of L’s and R’s
Ankerは、30WのUSB PD(Power Delivery)給電に対応した5ポートUSB充電器「PowerPort I PD -1 PD & 4 PowerIQ」を発売した。価格は3,499円。
浜松市のホームページ制作会社・株式会社ルーパスの中の人による日々の業務日記。 web制作やSEO、サーバー管理、プログラミング、はたまたネットに関することなどを色々書いていきます。